
The Price of Rain

Catching Gears


“The Price of Rain” will be included on the album In The Fifth Circle, which will be released in late 2024 or in January of 2025 (assuming it's ever finished).


Walkin' tall and feelin' lean,
Tryin' to make it through the day.
She got no time for the in-between.
She's crackin' heads and chasin' prey.
Some have gone to ground.
Some washed away.
Some dance in fire.
That's the price of rain, child.

Ain't no good when you're doing bad,
But there's salvation in the sin.
Gotta ride like you never have,
Lay 'em out and reel 'em in.
Some have gone to ground.
Some washed away.
Some dance in fire.
That's the price of rain, child.

When man began to multiply on the face of the land
and daughters were born to them,
the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive.
And they took as their wives any they chose.
~ Genesis 6:1-2

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man
was great in the earth, and that
every intention of the thoughts of his heart
was only evil continually.
~ Genesis 6:5

Bein' small when you're feelin' mean,
Makes it hard to fake the pain.
Let 'em take what they think they need,
Bait the hook and bank the lay.
Some have gone to ground.
Some wash away.
Some dance in fire.
That's the price of rain, child.

Some have gone to ground.
Some wash away.
Some dance in fire.
That's the price of rain, child.

And the Lord regretted that he had made man on the Earth,
and it grieved him...
~ Genesis 6:6

Music & Lyrics: Wicasta Lovelace.
Copyright © 2024: Wicasta Lovelace.
Copyright © 2024: Windhaven Network.


Victoria Lovelace - backing vocals
Wicasta Lovelace - lead & backing vocals, guitars, bass, sample instruments, drums, programming

Wicasta Lovelace - mixing, mastering

Bible dialogue generated by Kits AI.

There Are Stories?

The short story which matches to “The Price of Rain” is titled “Billie”. This story was first written in the early 1990s. It quickly took on a life of its own and lodged itself firmly in my brain. I've been tinkering on it ever since. I keep trying to get fancy with it, but I keep stripping it back down to its basics.


      She finished off the glass, sat it on the counter. Chancey appeared, picked up her bottle, and filled her glass. It was a chance to give her a stern look. She shouldn’t have used the last name, but the guy was such an asshole.

      “I Prefer to think of myself as an artist,” Billie told him.

      He laughed to himself. “I suppose you charge for your performances?”

      “Well, of course.”

      Chancey leaned over the bar and looked the Marine in the eye. It was time to close in for the kill, salvage whatever they could.

      “Billie’s purely amazin’,” Chancey said.

      “Oh? You her pimp?”

      Chancey shrugged. “No one pimps Billie,” he said. “I just know talent.”

      Sam smiled, took it all in. He watched her as Chancey faded back into the scenery. He obviously liked the idea. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d paid.

      “You that good?” he asked.

      Billie grinned.


Coming in 2024

“The Price of Rain” @ Apple Music

Coming in 2024

“The Price of Rain” @ Spotify

Coming in 2024