Released - May 1, 2011
“‘Travelin’ Music’ was originally the intro to another song (and may yet be again). Some folks loved the intro better than the song it introduced, and so I wound up separating it for When The Winds Blow. Like a lot of stuff on the album it has little timing problems. But the voices tell me I could do tidy all that up in Pro Tools (something I didn't have the capacity or capability to do back in 2010 or 2011 when ‘Travelin’ Music’ was recorded. We'll see. This one might show up somewhere else, maybe with another song in tow. It might not.” ~ Wicasta Lovelace
That means no lyrics, y'all.
Music: Wicasta Lovelace.
Copyright © 2011: Wicasta Lovelace.
Copyright © 2011: Windhaven Network.
Wicasta Lovelace - guitars, bass, sample instruments, drums, programming
Wicasta Lovelace - mixing, mastering
Recorded at The Lair - Saint Petersburg, Florida
There's no video for this one.
An A.I. image generated from a description of the dynamics / instrumentation of this song